US Sweepstakes customer loyalty solutions engage and build long-term brand relationships.

Retaining customers is an important aspect of business success. Our customer loyalty management services can help support or enhance your new or existing loyalty rewards program through sweepstakes that customers can enter by using reward points. This makes the experience personal by incentivizing them to earn points and take certain actions. We even take care of the prize fulfillment for you.

loyalty rewards program

Gamification of your loyalty program enables you to engage & reward your customers like never before

We specialize in loyalty rewards management that not only retains your existing customers, but also builds brand advocacy and drives engagement. When you keep your loyal customers happy, they’ll tell others about your brand. Now that’s a win-win!

Consumer brand loyalty is falling, but incentivized loyalty combats the trend.

Shoppers are looking for brands that value them in return.  Consumers respond favorably to (and somewhat expect to receive) member-only deals, discounts, and other rewards. By integrating our loyalty solutions offerings into your marketing mix, you can build repeat engagement as well as gain insights into your consumers’ interests and shopping habits.

loyalty & rewards program statistics

So, if you’ve been looking for support in running a loyalty program to retain your customers, contact us today! Give us a call at 1-800-620-6044, or email us so we can put our proven expertise to work for you.

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